100. Odds and Ends

Odds and Ends Pattern from Generations-quilt-patterns.com

Well here it is, block 100. Why did I choose “Odds and Ends” for my final block? After all, this is it. This is the final block in my Bible Sampler Quilt project. I should be saying Ta Da! Well I’ll tell you. The reason was, this project is far from finished. There are odds and ends to attend to before I can call it DONE.

And this rings true with the Bible as well. Although I just read through it, every word, from beginning to end, I will never finish it. Holy scripture is a living word; to plumb its depths would take more than my lifetime. I am myself at odds and ends, and the “cure” is to stay in His Word, and follow His words.

I’ve actually been making odds and ends progress behind the scenes:

First there was the trimming up . . .
Then the attaching of sashings and cornerstones . . .
And THEN the tearing away of All. That. Paper.
The assembly: Ten across, ten down . . .
The attaching of the triangles . . .
Finally, adding a border before sandwiching. I’m thinking of attempting the scalloped edge a la Jane Stickles.

I am now in the process of tacking the blocks . . .

Using alternating lavender and white Perle cotton, I’m tacking every three inches.

I chose to tack this quilt because 1. Ideally, it should be handquilted or custom quilted, which is not going to happen, 2. If I pantograph quilted it, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself, and 3. It’s not like it’s going to be thrown around at a picnic on the beach. Tacking in a three inch grid should hold it together well enough.

So tacking seemed to me to be the most traditional, and least-intrusive-to-the-designs quilting choice.

All the different blocks seem to like being tacked, they look so tidy.

My goal for the challenge will be to finish up the tacking. There’s ten blocks across ten rows, six tacks per block. Shouldn’t be too hard.

I know what you’re thinking: How is she going to quilt the triangles? Like Scarlett O’Hara, I’ll think about it tomorrow.

But today is the day to set goals. Head over HERE to see what others are doing for their One Monthly Goal.

Thank you, Anne-Marie and Patty, for hosting this wonderful thing. It has made the difference for me.

In the Swedish Death Cleaning department, I’m also going to attend to the odds and ends in that bin which is still underfoot. Come to find out, it held more than my year in Europe. So for August I’m going to deal with the rest of its contents and get it gone. There’s VCR tapes, cassettes, some pictures in nice frames, and who knows what all. I guess I’ll find out.

3 thoughts on “100. Odds and Ends

  1. Your quilt is lovely. I can’t imagine the amount of hours that it took/is taking. I find the old VCR and cassette and the like tapes so interesting. You never know what will turn up on them or if you can even find the correct device to play them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for your comment! About old tapes, here’s another July finish: I managed to download sixty (60!) that I sent off to Legacybox. Bad timing for these stragglers to turn up now.


  2. Yes, we do need to keep reading God’s living, breathing, active Word. I love how He can remind us of that even in a quilt project. Love that you are making such great progress on you Bible quilt.

    Liked by 1 person

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