June Gloom

Is this a term you’re familiar with? I don’t know if it’s regional or not. Where I live, we describe the weather this way. “May Gray” is followed by “June Gloom”. The marine layer keeps the coast covered in a cool fog until the sun can burn it off in July and August.

So today I’ll enjoy the last day of June, gloomy as it is, and share my UFO finish for the OMG challenge.


All Stacked Up

(They say photos show up better when there’s cloud cover.) This quilt has been an anti-gloom project: bright, colorful, happy. It was a great choice for the month. This whole OMG challenge has forced me forward in a good way. I love to acquire fabrics and plan projects. I love to piece the blocks. The one part I do not love is the actual quilting of them to bring them to the finish line. I don’t think my skills are there yet to do them justice. But the meander and I got along just fine:

Even on the dark blocks where it actually showed. Thanks for humoring me, it’s a big step.

4 thoughts on “June Gloom

  1. I love your use of black in this quilt. I don’t know how big your quilt is but your meander is more than I’d be willing to attempt on my DSM. If it isn’t straight line quilting I’m going to struggle. And if my quilt is bigger than a throw, I only quilt by checkbook.


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